Real Advice For The Real World

May 19, 2016
  • Bob Chapman
  • Bob Chapman
    CEO & Chairman of Barry-Wehmiller

As it is graduation season, 外围十大菠菜app大多数人都认识一些正准备进入“现实世界”的人.“在如此重要的时刻,分享经验的智慧是件好事.

经常有人问我,对刚开始创业的年轻人有什么建议. 我一开始就说:“头要在云里,脚要在地上.”

To clarify further, I would say to them, most importantly, to have a vision for where and what they want to be. They should think about, at the end of the day, 他们希望别人对他们的生活说些什么,然后去实现它.’

They shouldn’t just look for a job, 他们应该寻找一个能让他们的生活充分发挥自己的技能和激情的角色. And, although their vision will evolve and change, 他们应该把它放在心上,这样他们就能一直向前走, toward it.

Because this is such a formative time, 外围十大菠菜app还联系了一些朋友和领导,他们对应届毕业生有很好的建议:



Kristen Hadeed, founder of Student Maid

遇到障碍,感觉不知道下一步该做什么,这是可以的. That’s going to happen. 确实有很多时候,我不知道自己在做什么,我犯了一些巨大的错误. But that’s OK. Do your research, 写下你的目标(并确保它们是聪明的:具体的), Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely), and don’t be afraid to ask for help.  人们想要帮助你,但你必须让他们知道你需要帮助! 还要记住,对你说“不”的人可能会为你开始一些事情,而不是阻止它.



基普·廷德尔,The Container Store创始人兼董事长,著有《 Uncontainable: How Passion, 承诺和有意识的资本主义建立了一个每个人都茁壮成长的企业.

When young people ask me for advice, 我说,忘掉成绩和高薪吧——追随你的梦想. If you really want to go to business school, 尽快完成,然后回到现实世界中去. If you really want to be an entrepreneur, 在你意识到这一点之前,不要把自己固定在一份职业上,习惯赚六位数, 你会结婚生子,永远不会放弃稳定的工作去创业. 从一开始就做,全身心投入,永不回头. 如果你等待,你永远不会有勇气去创造一些特别的东西.



威廉·尤里,哈佛谈判项目的联合创始人,著有《 Getting to Yes and Getting to Yes With Yourself

如果你能学会与他人合作,你将面临的挑战就不会是不可能的.  合作的基本技能是能够倾听, to put yourself in the shoes of others.  Listening means more than hearing the other person’s words; it means listening for what’s behind the words, for what the person is really feeling, for what is really driving them.  如果外围十大菠菜app能理解对方,外围十大菠菜app就更有可能回答“是”.  每天练习真正的倾听——你将收获巨大的幸福和成功.



Bob Burg, coauthor of The Go-Giver and The Go-Giver Leader

作为未来的领导者,赢得他人的信任将是你最宝贵的财富. 而且,你要做到这一点,你要真诚地向他们承诺. Know that great leadership is never about you, the leader, but rather about everyone whose lives you have the opportunity to touch; to add value to. 当别人明白这才是真正的你, then they will trust you, and they will commit to you.



Rich Sheridan, CEO of Menlo Innovations, author of Joy, Inc. – How We Built a Workplace People Love

我能给刚毕业的大学生最好的建议就是简单地举手说:“我可以帮你做这件事。.在你的公司和社区里做志愿者, you enrich your life, your experience and the lives of others. 我是一名贸易和教育工程师,现在是一名首席执行官和企业家. I can recall during the earliest days of my career, 我的公司要去拉斯维加斯参加一个贸易展,他们需要有人帮忙搭建展台,并安排人员与潜在客户交谈. I said ‘I’d love to help with that.“我学到了很多客户真正需要的东西. 我与外围十大菠菜app的销售和市场团队建立了良好的关系. 我学到了很多关于工作的辛苦、脚疼和关节破裂. 每次我自愿做一些正常工作范围之外的事情,我的生活和事业都有了进步, and my comfort zone.

这些年轻人很可能在毕业前就开始做出改变人生的决定, 但接下来的几个月将是决定他们余生轨迹的非常重要的时期.

Their experiences in the workplace will vary widely. Some will walk into environments where they are treated as a number or a function; some will hopefully work for companies where their leader truly cares for and values them as a person. 他们可能会遇到那些在那里教导和指导的领导者, 但很多人最终会向上司汇报工作,而上司在那里只是为了实现自己的抱负. In any case, 当他们走出毕业后的职场大门时, 这些形成性的经历将产生持久的影响.

想想你生命中可能从这些智慧中受益的年轻人,并与他们分享. Better yet, 创造一个工作场所,让他们有机会成为他们应该成为的人,并为培养明天真正的人类领导者做好准备.


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