The Hunger for Leadership

July 22, 2021
  • Brian Wellinghoff
  • Brian Wellinghoff
    BW Director of Strategy, Improvement and Culture

Over the years, 在Barry-Wehmiller,外围十大菠菜app已经看到,外围十大菠菜app的《外围十大菠菜app》一书几乎在各个教育阶段都得到了广泛接受.

We’ve come to realize that the skills and courage to be a caring leader are not necessarily things with which we’re born; they can, however, be taught and learned.

We want to help the generations of tomorrow become leaders who care, not managers who manage.

For years, 外围十大菠菜app的首席执行官鲍勃·查普曼是华盛顿大学奥林商学院领导力系列课程的客座讲师. Louis. Our educational outreach efforts with Charlotte Latin School, a private K-12 school in Charlotte, NC, were recently the subject of our Truly Human Leadership podcast.

We’ve introduced our leadership model to students and faculty at St. 在威斯康辛州的诺伯特学院任教过去三年我有幸在加州州立大学北岭分校教授本科生. And, very recently, 外围十大菠菜app很高兴开始与纽约市的福特汉姆大学合作,将外围十大菠菜app开创性的听力训练带给那里的学生.

Additionally, two case studies about our approach to leadership have been written. One by professors at Harvard Business Schools is now taught at 28 universities across the country. Another, written by a former McKinsey partner who is now on faculty of IE Business School, is being taught across Europe.

We’re diligently working to bring our message to educational institutions, but so much more progress needs to be made, including the recognition of the need itself.

As Dr. Dale S. Deardorff, 加州州立大学北岭分校(CSUN)工程专业人员和高科技公司领导力兼职教授告诉我, today’s students “are hungrier for Truly Human Leadership than I have ever seen before.

“During the past year with the COVID environment, almost everyone is experiencing a higher level of stress and frustration, including our students,” Deardorff said. “They are more in touch with their personal emotions, and this is providing an opening to have a people-centric leadership conversation more easily.”

作为波音公司的项目经理,迪尔多夫教授几十年来一直倡导以人为本的领导方式, and a college-level instructor. 他有机会为技术专业人员设计一门领导力课程,可以自由地将他认为最重要的元素纳入其中. 

“I needed a model for people-centric leadership, and Bob Chapman was perfect,” he said.

今天,该课程提供了领导力属性、技能、理论和概念的高级研究. It also deals with challenges in leader selection, performance, termination and conflict situations for high technology companies.

迪尔多夫说:“巴里-韦米勒之所以成为一个很好的研究案例,是因为他的故事真实可信。. “When I read Everybody Matters, 它所描述的挑战与外围十大菠菜app的学生在他们目前的组织中所面临的挑战非常相关.” 

Deardorff’s students at CSUN are mostly working professionals, providing them the opportunity to apply the material right away in their organizations.  学生们在工作场所创造一个真正人性化的领导环境时遇到了很多挑战.

“几乎所有人都有些犹豫,甚至不愿在他们的组织中提到真正的人类领导力,” Deardorff said. “太多的公司认为领导力培训要么是关于可爱的卡通,要么是关于10个流程步骤. Leadership is so much more. Leadership is personal. Leadership is inspirational. If you are teaching a leadership class, and you are not talking about relationships and listening, you are missing the boat.”


“The only way to do it is to practice it, and to put people in an environment where they can make mistakes and learn from them.” 

We find the same holds true inside Barry-Wehmiller. 外围十大菠菜app内部的Barry-Wehmiller大学是建立在“综合”教育理念的基础上的,这种理念很大程度上利用了活动, breakout groups, practice sessions, and ongoing learning after class sessions conclude. 通过与其他公司的合作,这些体验元素为Barry-Wehmiller的数千名员工带来了领导力的基本要素,现在也为Barry-Wehmiller的数千名员工带来了领导力的基本要素, communities and educators. 

Bringing practical insights to Professor Deardorff’s classes has been an honor, and I see the same hunger for leadership, connection and practical application that he does. I discuss leadership, trust, 倾听和识别——Barry-Wehmiller的基本主题——重视学生的参与和努力. 

In the last session, 一位学生把她年幼的女儿抱在腿上,问我在巴里-韦赫米勒的领导经历. If anyone doubts the hunger of today’s young leaders for a new brand of leadership, 只要看看这位学生在为人父母和个人发展之间寻找平衡的激情就知道了.

This year, Deardorff added a new element to his class- an optional Leadership learning journal. 

“It gives me a glimpse into what my students are thinking beyond the class session,” he said. “Our students are very participative in the virtual setting, but the journal gives me context for what is behind the comments they offer.” 

Similarly, Barry-Wehmiller has found journaling to be a powerful way to continue learning after the class. This practice not only helps a professor, coach, or mentor, 但它通过让学生反思实际应用,极大地增强了学习的影响.

“这些日记帮助我看到了人们对以人为本的领导力的渴望是如何真正体现出来的,” Deardorff said. “Students, and really everyone, want so badly to share their experience, to connect with others.  This is at the heart of what it means to be a great leader. 外围十大菠菜app都需要倾听他人,激励他们,支持他们充分释放自己的潜力.”

At Barry-Wehmiller, 外围十大菠菜app觉得外围十大菠菜app不仅要成为真正人性化领导的典范,还要与其他公司分享这些原则, communities and educators. 


After one of my presentations, a student said:

“真正以人为本的领导力在今天很重要,因为许多组织已经脱离了人的方面. 持续的大流行表明,许多组织实行真正人性化的领导,因为他们已经超越了照顾员工的范围,采取措施保持他们的健康, safe, and cared for. However, 其他公司已经表明,他们的自身利益高于关心员工,导致不良的工作条件或大规模裁员. All the while, 企业纷纷表示,为了生存,必须在恶劣的环境下工作或进行大规模裁员.

“这些组织没有意识到他们裁员对员工的影响以及对他们家庭的连锁反应, society, and the community. 我真诚地相信,一旦疫情结束,公司就会推出招聘新员工的举措, people will remember what organizations showed compassion, care, respect and Truly Human Leadership and what organizations forget about them.” 


“我相信,外围十大菠菜app正处在(外围十大菠菜app如何教授领导力的)井喷式增长即将发生的时刻,” Deardorff said.  “If [educators] truly believe that these principles are critical and important, they should move forward and ask for help developing their course from anyone and everyone.”

Barry-Wehmiller stands side-by-side with all educators who feel this way.

If you are an educator interested in developing a Caring Community with listening and empathy, contact Chapman Foundation for Caring Communities.

如果你是一位商业领袖,想要深化你的组织对“真正的人类领导力”的承诺, contact Chapman & Co. Leadership Institute.

如果你是一名教育工作者,想要为自己或学生加深对“真正的人类领导力”的理解, explore this site or contact me for additional resources.

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Need help in applying principles of Truly Human Leadership in your organization? Chapman & Co. 领导力研究所是Barry-Wehmiller的领导力咨询公司,与其他公司合作制定战略愿景, engage employees, improve corporate culture and develop outstanding leaders through leadership training, assessments and workshops.

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